Growth Portfolio

Since June 2020, we started  investing in Growth Stocks because we wanted to own stocks that can growth our net worth. 

We focus in the sector that we believe would do well in the next 10 years.  Currently, we are investing the following sectors: EV, Fintech, E-Commerce, Cyber Security and Bio-Technology.

The focus is only investing stocks that have a tremendous growth.  Currently, we are holding our growth stocks in 3 different accounts: RRSPsTFSAs and Taxable Accounts. 

My Holdings

Our biggest growth holding is Square.  It is more than 10% of my Growth portfolio.  We are very bullish with Square because the company has growth into one of the best company in the world. 

Our second is Sea Limited which is the biggest E-Commerce in the South-East Asia and Taiwan.  According to a projection made last year by Alphabet, the Southeast Asian internet economy will triple in size between 2019 and 2025, going from $100 billion in gross merchandise volume to $300 billion. The company’s massive 7.5-times revenue growth over just the past five years is the reason that we is envisioning Sea Limited is best E-Commerce company in the next decade.

Shopify is the third largest in our growth portfolio.  It is one of the most popular E-Commerce platforms on the planet, with almost 20 percent market share.  Number of merchants run over 1,000,000 businesses over 175 different countries. The total revenue in the third quarter 2020 was $767.4 million, a 96% increase from the comparable quarter in 2019.

Currently, our goal is one day this Growth portfolio can grow big enough so we can sell some and use as our living expenses. 

Below is our Growth Portfolio:

Every month we will update my portfolio with buy/sell transactions.  Also, You can view my latest monthly dividend income.  Feel free to make comment or question. 

Let the dividend snowball rolling!!!


Disclaimer:  I am not a financial professional; Therefore all content posted on this blog represents my personal views and opinions and should never be considered as professional advice.

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